![Canvas Logo](https://www.muw.edu/images/academicaffairs/facultydev/images/Canvas-by-instructure.png)
Mississippi University for Women uses Canvas for all of its online, hybrid, and face-to-face courses. Faculty and students should access Canvas via the single sign-on campus portal, accessible from the link at the top of most pages of the university’s website. Please use these guides to get started using Canvas and contact the Kossen Center for Teaching & Learning with any questions you may have.
Canvas Instructor Handouts
Canvas Getting Started and Communicating Instructor Handout
Canvas Content and Collaboration Instructor Handout
How do I weight the final grade based on assignment groups?
Canvas System Requirements and Getting Started
What are the browser and computer requirements for Instructure products?
Canvas Instructor Video Tutorials
Setting Up Your Course
Calendar Overview (Instructors)
Canvas Interface Overview (Instructors)
Courses: Creation & Management (Instructors)
Course Analytics (Instructors)
What is the Course Import Tool?
Course Layout: Customization (Instructors)
Course Settings Part 2 (Instructors)
Files: Add Course Content (Instructors)
Groups: Creation & Management (Instructors)
Modules: Creation & Management (Instructors)
Pages: Creation & Management (Instructors)
What is the Rich Content Editor (RCE)?
Syllabus Overview (Instructors)
Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions
Assignments Overview (Instructors)
Assignment Creation (Instructors)
Discussions Overview (Instructors)
Discussion Creation (Instructors)
Communication: Announcements, Chats, Collaborations, Conferences
Announcements Overview (Instructors)
Collaborations Overview (Instructors)
Conferences Overview (Instructors)
Assessment: Gradebook, SpeedGrader, Rubrics, Outcomes
Gradebook Overview (Instructors)
Outcomes Overview (Instructors)
Rubrics Overview (Instructors)
SpeedGrader Overview (Instructors)
Crocodoc Overview (Instructors)
Canvas Commons
Canvas for Mobile Devices
How do I grade an assignment submission in the Teacher app on my iOS device?
How do I use Canvas on my mobile device?
What is the Canvas Teacher app?