The route to a teacher education degree begins with the ED 200 Education as a Profession course. Establishment of the candidate’s assessment portfolio is initiated in ED 302 Art & Science of Teaching via Watermark™. All teacher education candidates will receive an account in ED 302 in the online data management system, Watermark™ Student Learning & Licensure.
All teacher education candidates are required to submit a “cleared” background check through Verified Credentials™ prior to beginning any off-campus clinical assignments. For additional information about this requirement, please contact the Office of Field Experiences at (662) 241-6415.
Each semester a Teacher Internship orientation meeting is held for all teacher education candidates wishing to apply to the following semester’s Teacher Internship program. An active Watermark™ account is required to complete the application process. For details about date, time, and location of the orientation please contact the Office of Field Experiences at (662) 241-6415.
Please go to the MDE Educator Licensure website to apply for your educator license or add-on teaching endorsements. The most up-to-date licensure requirements, including PRAXIS score information, may be found on this site.
Requirements governing licensure in the state of Mississippi are continually revised. As a result, requirements for degrees leading to licensure are subject to change from those published in the MUW Bulletin. Students are advised to be in close communication with their education advisors to ensure that both degree requirements and licensure requirements are met. Also, students seeking licensure in other states should contact the Department of Education in that state for their license requirements.
Only students who have completed their coursework with MUW can be recommended for licensure by the Office of Field Experience.