Dear W Campus Community,
Thank you for your support of The W, and I appreciate having the opportunity to serve as the President of this institution that I love so much. I look forward to working together with all of you to build on our long tradition of excellence in liberal arts and professional education, as well as our historic focus on academic and leadership development for women. The W will to continue to be a university that prepares both women and men for success by providing a high-quality education in a personalized environment.
At the press conference following the IHL presidential listening sessions, I spoke of three themes that I plan to weave into what we will be doing over the next few years. These themes are adaptability, positivity, and responsibility. We are constantly scanning the horizon for changes in the economy, in regulations, in student demand, and in the workforce. This university has always adapted to better serve our students and our state.
I will be asking a small group of faculty and staff to work together to develop and implement plans for events that celebrate our common purpose. The enthusiasm and loyalty of our faculty and staff was very evident in the recent listening sessions with the Commissioner. The 65% participation rate in our Faculty/Staff campaign is further proof of our love and support for this institution and each other. Let’s find ways to celebrate that which makes us aWesome!
On Friday, October 5th, the Administrative Council and Academic Department Chairs will participate in a workshop led by two individuals from the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The purpose of the workshop is to gain insights into our economic model and identify our roles and responsibilities in enhancing its sustainability. I expect the outcome to be some questions for further campus consideration and discussion as we embrace our future with all of its possibilities.
I look forward to continuing to listen, talk and work with all of you. Thanks for all that you do for our students and this campus community.

Nora R. Miller