This is an extraordinary time. Please know that The W is dedicated to making this semester as positive an experience as possible, as we all work together to process the impacts of COVID-19 on our students, faculty, staff and community.

We are closely following information about the federal legislation, the ‘‘Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act’’ or the ‘‘CARES ACT” that has been passed to provide support as we face this crisis.  At this point, we have not received firm guidance on how those funds will be received, or how we can administer the funds that are designated for emergency student grants.

As a public institution, we are working closely with the Commissioner of Higher Education, the staff at the Institutions of Higher Learning, and the Mississippi Attorney General’s office for guidance on the appropriate handling of room and board charges paid by students who chose to return home to complete the rest of the semester online.  As soon as we receive this guidance, we will work to determine the appropriate refunds or credits to apply to student accounts.

We know that this is a difficult time for everyone, and we are committed to you and your education.  We are continuing to provide assistance through the Student Emergency Fund for the remainder of the semester.

Thank you for your patience.  Please, follow the CDC recommendations for your health and safety.

Nora Miller,
President, Mississippi University for Women

The W’s Student Emergency Fund

Columbus Lowndes Chamber of Commerce Small Business Loans Info (.pdf)