Dear W Family,
The events of the past few days have added a whole new layer of turmoil to our present state of pandemic. Racism, injustice and violence have infected our society in a way much worse than any virus can.
Like many of you, the last couple of months I’ve been “attending” church services virtually. Yesterday’s service from the Washington National Cathedral featured a very moving sermon from the Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, in which he said that in addition to the COVID-19 viral pandemic, we are also suffering from a pandemic of the human spirit. We have failed to love our neighbor as ourselves, and have failed to see each and every one of us as a child of God.
Sometimes seeing everyone as a child of God and loving your neighbor can be a difficult thing to do, and we have all failed at this from time to time. With self-isolation and quarantine being our way of life the past couple of months, our fear of the virus can become a fear of each other.
I support our students, faculty, staff and alumni who are taking part in peaceful protests and pray for their safety. Let us work together to stand up for what is right and to be a voice for justice and peace. Let us be strong in our conviction and careful in our actions. There are people who want to divide us. We are much stronger together.
With love,

Nora R. Miller