Dear W Family,

Congratulations and thank you for seeing us through this spring semester. I’m proud of the way you adapted to our changing circumstances and proud of our students who persevered and saw their way through. Well done, everyone!

I want to make sure that you know that while we may be physically apart, together we are working diligently to plan how we can continue our efforts in a manner that is safe and healthy for our campus community. Our Campus Renewal Taskforce will be focused on our efforts for the summer semester this next week, and then looking at fall semester operations for the remainder of this month. More information about this taskforce and the work they are doing will be found at  At the same time, the IHL Restart taskforce will be developing criteria and recommendations for all of our Mississippi public universities to use in determining our steps forward to operations.

Our current Safer@Home order remains in effect through May 25. Not knowing what comes after that as far as state directives, I want to assure you that we will move forward cautiously. I have seen your responses to the Human Resources survey about employee wellness concerns, and am conscious of the level of anxiety many have about their own health and their family’s well-being. I share those concerns.

Remember that one of the employee benefits available to you is the Employee Assistance Program (EAP),  Up to three counseling sessions are available at no cost to the individual through the EAP, and you may also find assistance through the EAP Work-Life program.

Now is the time to revisit, reevaluate and revise, if necessary, the temporary remote working agreement you entered in March with your supervisor.  Discuss with your supervisor how you can continue under that plan or perform your work safely while meeting the goals and objectives of your department.

I look forward to the day we can safely come together and celebrate our students and our collective efforts on their behalf.

In the midst of all of this, we are also paying close attention to the new regulations and guidance on Title IX, and will be developing plans for our full compliance with the changes that go into effect August 14, 2020.  

I know that’s a lot to absorb. Thank you for your support of our students. Stay safe, stay healthy, and please, share your thoughts and concerns as we form our plans for moving forward.


Nora R. Miller