Dear W Family,

The unofficial start of summer is upon us as we enter Memorial Day Weekend. I hope you are able to enjoy your loved ones as much as possible and in a safe way as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times.

Life in the time of COVID-19 has been transforming in an unexpected way and we all continue to adapt to this new reality. Evolving times call for different approaches and bring about change. Change also is an opportunity to pause, examine and evaluate our current situation and press the reset button.

As we shift to achieve long-term strategic goals, I am announcing the reorganization of Career Services, the Police Department and Human Resources to follow common models in use at other colleges and universities. 

Career Services will become a part of Development and Alumni to foster mentoring programs, grow employment opportunities for our students and promote to our students the value of active alumni participation and stewardship. 

Our Police Department’s mission is to safeguard persons and property through preparedness and vigilance.  The safeguarding of persons and property aligns with the operations and maintenance function that is overseen by the Vice President for Administration and CFO. Beginning June 1, the Police Department will report to Mark Ellard.

With Dr. Jennifer Miles’ recent resignation announcement and upcoming departure, and the recent changes to Title IX regulations, we are aligning Compliance and Human Resources with the General Counsel. Effective June 1, Karen Clay will oversee those areas and will be the Interim Title IX Coordinator. Also effective June 1, Jessica Harpole will be our Interim VP for Student Affairs/Dean of Students. 

Additionally, a tremendous amount of work has taken place by our Campus Renewal Taskforce and its working groups as we look at both summer and fall operations.  They will be issuing a Summer Renewal Plan and will provide an Office Operating Plan template that can be used for each office to identify how to begin our next phase of operations as the Safer at Home order expires. The safety and well-being of our university community will remain our highest priority as we continue these efforts. 

At the May 21 IHL Board meeting, a resolution was adopted stating the intent for all eight universities to make plans to resume traditional campus operations this fall.  Together with the IHL Restart Taskforce and our Campus Renewal Taskforce we will work to develop our plans, recognizing that we will need to have contingency plans in place as we move forward. We are committed to providing our students the highest quality and personalized student experience as possible.

I cannot thank you enough for all that you do to support our students and making our university successful! Be safe and enjoy the long weekend.


Nora R. Miller