Update September 28, 2020 – President Nora Miller has released a video message to the university.
Today’s message is meant to be one of encouragement! Well, actually more like 5 messages of encouragement.
- I want to encourage you to keep up the good work. If you look at the case tracker, we have only two active cases of COVID. One student and one employee. Thank you for doing your part and keeping our campus healthy.
We are proud to be known as a caring community. We care about each other’s health and our own, which is why we will continue to encourage everyone to Be WISE and Stay Safe. Follow our campus renewal plan protocols. I don’t know whether the Governor will extend his executive order requiring that masks be worn, but on this campus, we will continue to require masks. I know it’s hard to grasp that masks don’t have to be worn in the cafeteria while you are eating, but they’re required everywhere else, unless you are alone in your personal workspace or housing. Please continue to you’re your mask – both on campus and off. - I want to encourage all of us to be kind and have empathy for others. We don’t know what all is going on in each other’s lives – but I’m pretty sure we are all dealing with heightened stress, and being behind a mask makes it that much harder to see what’s going on. So, if you see someone without a mask, remember that they may have a medical reason that they can’t wear a mask, or they may have forgotten to grab one before they left their room or their car. Keep your physical distance from them, perhaps tell them that you are not comfortable being within 6 feet of them if they’re not wearing a mask. You probably aren’t going to help matters by being confrontational. Now, if this is a repetitive issue and there is someone who willfully refuses to wear a mask, then it may end up being a student judiciary issue, or a personnel matter. Remember – we all took our Safe Owls Pledge!
- Take good care of yourself to deal with the stress of everything. Get some exercise, get outside on a pretty day, keep in touch with friends and family. Students, call the Counseling Center if you want to talk things over with a counselor. Employees, remember the Employee Assistance Program is available for you AND for anyone else in your household.
- I want to encourage students to keep up their work in the classroom. We are nearing mid-term, so lean in and be prepared to finish strong. If you are having trouble in a class, reach out for help. Make an appointment to meet with your faculty and talk about how you can improve. Contact the Student Success Center about some tutoring sessions. In virtual classes it’s probably a little more difficult to have an after class conversation with your classmates to suggest you study together. Make the effort to reach out to your fellow students.
- And for the fifth and final encouragement for today – October 5 is the deadline to register to vote and be able to participate in the November election. If you are not registered – do so. And then, do what my mask tells you to do. VOTE!
Nora Miller
President, Mississippi University for Women