Update April 3, 2020 – President Nora Miller has released a video message on the latest regarding the Coronavirus pandemic.

It’s Friday, April 3, and it has been a little over 3 weeks since the first COVID-19 case was reported in Mississippi, and we’ve had two full weeks of all classes going to online and alternate delivery.  The dress code has certainly relaxed!  I want to thank everyone who worked to make that switch happen.  It has been an adjustment for many of our faculty and students.  Students, remember that online resources are available within Canvas on the Tutor-Me tab, The writing center is available through Google, Skype, or at muwrites@muw.edu  Our counselors are available to provide tele-counseling, and the Student Emergency Fund continues to provide financial assistance.  If you are struggling, please let someone know so that we can connect you to resources.  The W community cares!

Governor Reeve’s Executive Order for Statewide Shelter-in-Place goes into effect at 5 p.m. today.  In accordance with that order, The W will further reduce our employees’ physical presence on campus for the next 2 weeks.  What does this mean for us?  The students living on campus will continue to have meals provided for carry out.  Non-residential students may come to campus to use the 24/7 lab in the library, to take advantage of the wi-fi hotspot that has been installed on the south side of Eckford Hall.  All students, faculty and staff must show their W ID to enter campus, and wear their ID while on campus.

Faculty and staff are able to come to campus to perform essential functions – but we want you to stay at home as much as possible.  Remote work may look and feel very different from our usual tasks and routine.  I want to encourage supervisors to be creative and find things that you and your employees can do from home.  Reading materials related to improving your work performance or learning more about your field is one way you can come back to work even more valuable than you are now.  Check the library’s online resources, your professional associations websites, etc.  Read The Chronicle of Higher Education online.  And, most importantly, take care of yourselves.  Get outside to get some fresh air and enjoy the springtime.  Check out Campus Rec’s Facebook workouts.  Keep in touch with your co-workers and with people you know who live alone.  Take advantage of the Employee Assistance program. 

We will get through this—we are resilient.  We care.  Now…STAY AT HOME!

Nora Miller
President, Mississippi University for Women