Update November 3, 2020 – President Nora Miller has released a video message to the university.

November is here, Daylight Saving Time has ended, and Chris Jenkins is on the Ginkgo watch to see when that beautiful tree will be in all its glory!

I ask everyone to review the Safe Owls Pledge you signed at the beginning of the semester.  Remember that masks are required unless you are alone in your personal workspace or living space, or you are walking alone, working out, or having something to eat or drink.  Wearing a mask shows you are taking care of yourself, and showing your care and consideration for others’ health.

I am thankful for everyone’s cooperation with our health and safety protocols, and proud that we have made it to the final weeks of the fall semester.  Let’s stay vigilant and finish strong so that our students can finish strong and go home to celebrate the holidays with their families.  It will be a little lonely here without them after Thanksgiving, but we have lots of work to do before they return in January.  We will continue with our regular office hours and scheduled holiday calendar. The health and safety of this campus and our community will drive any changes that would be made to this calendar.

The W continues to be a strong and caring community, despite the stresses of the national election, the pandemic, and concerns about social justice.

At a time when there is so much division in our world, our W Community is coming together to participate in our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Council’s Unity project.  I’d like to encourage all of our students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members to take part in this project.  If for some reason you are not able to actively take part in this yourself, members of the Council are available to string YOUR identifiers – just email unityproject@muw.edu and someone will be in touch to help you with that.

Today is Election Day – please do your part and go vote!

We Are The W!

Nora Miller
President, Mississippi University for Women