Your Story is Our Story

Our Theatre Education concentration is one-of-a-kind. As the only program of its kind in Mississippi, our students graduate with a unique skill set to be artist and educator. Students in this program deepen their ability to tell stories onstage, while also learning best practices for passing that knowledge on to students in their own classrooms. By partnering with our School of Education, our Theatre Education students gain the tools they need for skillful K-12 teaching, enjoy mentorship from active theatre teachers and theatre practitioners, and graduate with their professional teaching certificate.

Theatre for non-majors: Theatre Minor

Further Your Abilities

Theatre Education students engage in classes like:

  • Creative Dramatics
  • Art and Science of Teaching
  • Introduction to the Exceptional Learner
  • Educational Psychology

"In my four years with the MUW Theatre department, my professors got to know me and knew what I was capable of. They knew what my best looked like, and they always held me to that standard and pushed me to grow as a performing artist and as a person. This high standard encouraged me to reach past what I thought I was capable of and further my abilities. I’m now a high school theatre teacher holding my own students to that same standard."

– Abigail Ganucheau

Abigail Ganucheau

Theatre, BA - Concentration in Theatre Education Curriculum

This information is presented for informational purposes. In the event of a discrepancy between this page and the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Bulletin should always be used.

General Education Curriculum

In keeping with The W's Mission, the General Education Program provides students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to become independent, productive members of society in our continually changing world.

The W's General Education Program provides a foundation in the liberal arts that includes knowledge in the historical, literary, aesthetic, scientific, and cultural traditions that shape the world, and fosters skills that allow students to become civically responsible life-long learners ready to adapt to new challenges.

All students who complete the Mississippi University for Women general education program will demonstrate:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Effective Communication
  • Cultural Literacy
  • Quantitative & Technology Skills
  • Understanding of Self, Global Societies, & the Natural World
  • Life-Long Learning

View General Education Requirements

Bachelor of Arts Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree must include the following courses (or demonstrate equivalent competency) in their academic program:

  • Foreign Language 101-102 8 semester hours
  • Foreign Language 201-202 6 semester hours

To fulfill the language requirement for the B.A., students must complete the 202 level or above in a foreign language. For information on foreign language placement, see the Department of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy section in the Bulletin. If, upon entering the University, a student already has sufficient background to be successful in 201-202, he/she does not need to enroll in 101-102. The requirement is in essence six hours credit at the 200-level or above.

Teacher Education Requirements

Teacher Education Majors are required to pass the following courses with a C or higher as part of their major and their General Education Curriculum.

  • MA 113 - College Algebra or higher Math including MA 123 (3 semester hours)
  • COM 101 - Oral Communication
  • PSY 206 - Human Growth and Development

Major Courses

Minimum grade of C or higher is required

TH 175 - Theatre Appreciation
TH 176 - Playscript Analysis
TH 205 - Fundamentals of Interpretation
TH 217 - Stage Crafts
TH 219 - Beginning Acting
TH 301 - Theatre as a Profession
TH 318 - Stage Lighting
TH 320 - Directing
TH 321 - Theatre Management
TH 360 - Internship
TH 457 - History of the Theatre I
TH 458 - History of Theatre II
TH 464 - Costume for the Stage

COM 101 - Oral Communication

Select one Theatre Elective (3 Semester Hours)

Select one of the following:

EN 303 - Early Shakespeare or
EN 304 - Late Shakespeare

Select one of the following:

KIN 120 - Yoga
KIN 125 - Yogalates
KIN 130 - Pilates
KIN 138 - Advanced Pilates
KIN 140 - Aerobic Dance
KIN 144 - Conditioning
KIN 150 - Step Aerobics
KIN 240 - Aerobic Dance II

Select one of the following:

ART 211 - Art History Survey I
ART 212 - Art History Survey II
ART 310 - Nineteenth-Century European Art History
ART 313 - Modern and Contemporary Art History

Theatre Seminar

A student must enroll in TH 400 - Seminar: Special Problems In Theatre Practice during each semester that they are a declared Theatre Arts major and are required to have at least 3 credit hours in TH 400.

Professional Education Requirements, K-12

Course descriptions can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin. A grade of C or better required for all professional education coursework.

ED 200 - Education as a Profession
ED 302 - Art and Science of Teaching
ED 306 - Introduction to Exceptional Learners
ED 360 - Educational Psychology
ED 365 - Content Area Reading
ED 390 - Classroom Management
ED 407 - Observation and Directed Teaching Grades K-12
ED 452 - Educational Measurement

Total Hours Required for a BA in Theatre: 124 Semester Hours