
Internal Audit Mission & Vision Statement


The mission of the Office of Internal Audit is to provide an independent appraisal which examines and evaluates university operations as a service to university management. Internal audit examines and evaluates university activities; furnishes management with objective, timely accurate analysis; develops recommendations; counsels; and provides information regarding university activities. Internal audit performs audits in all areas of the university, and has full and complete access to all records, physical properties, and personnel relevant to the audit process.


  • Determine the effectiveness and efficiency of University resources
  • Determine the effectiveness and efficiency of Organizations in accomplishing their mission and identify operational opportunities for cost savings and revenue enhancements.
  • Evaluate business procedures for adequacy of internal controls and provide advice and guidance on control aspects of new policies, systems, processes and procedures.
  • Evaluate the accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency of the electronic information and processing systems.
  • Review the accuracy and propriety of financial and operating transactions.
  • Confirm compliance with University policies and procedures, and with state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Investigate reported fraud, embezzlement, theft, waste, etc. and recommend controls to prevent and detect such occurrences.
  • Coordinate audit efforts with, and provide assistance to, the University’s external auditors.
  • Conduct follow-up audits to review and evaluate the adequacy of management actions in correcting noticed problems and ensure satisfactory solutions of all significant issues.


Our vision is to be a valued partner with MUW management by providing assurance and consulting services that help the University meet goals through building trust, partnerships, and exhibiting a high skill level and a thorough understanding of the University.


To assist in the accomplishment of our mission and the realization of our vision, the Office of Internal Audit has established the following core values:

  • Personal Development – Continuously strive to obtain further training to advance our knowledge, skills, and awareness of emerging issues affecting all facets of the university.
  • Integrity – Perform work honestly, diligently, and ethically to establish trust and a basis for reliance on our assessments.
  • Objectivity – Perform duties with an unbiased mental attitude to ensure assessments are not unduly influenced by our own interests or judgments.
  • Confidentiality – Respect and safeguard the privacy of persons and confidential information and do not disclose information without appropriate authority unless there is a legal or professional obligation to do so.
  • Communication – Communicate with coworkers and customers in a constructive and positive manner. Reports will be accurate, timely, and contain relevant recommendations.

Please contact us with any ideas, questions, or concerns you may have about a particular university department/organization or any other area of the university. Confidentiality is maintained in all aspects of an audit.

Office of Internal Audit

Mailing Address

1100 College Street,
Columbus, MS 39701

Physical Address

620 10th St South
Cromwell Communications Center
Room 182
Columbus, MS

Phone & Email

PHONE: (662) 329-7021