National Student Transfer week, Oct. 18-21, shines a light on the achievements of more than 33% of the students that attend Mississippi University for Women. It also is an opportunity to showcase the diverse group of students that chose The W to continue their education. Matthew L. Robinson, Student Success…

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Mississippi University for Women graduate Bailey Howell recently had her honors project published in the journal “Integrative Organismal Biology.” Bailey Howell The article, titled “Geometric Morphometrics Reveal Shape Differences in the Toes of Urban Lizards,” was published in August and co-authored with Kristin M. Winchell and Dr. Travis Hagey, an…

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Mississippi University for Women’s Student Programming Board is proud to announce an exciting slate of activities for its annual Oktoberfest from 5-8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14, on Shattuck Lawn. Edd Fairman the Wizard of Sorts will entertain while roving through the crowd. He will close out the event with an…

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