Dr. Dee Larson

Department Chair, Department of Business
Coordinator, Graduate Studies in Business
Professor, Marketing and Management
OFFICE: Reneau Hall, Room 201
EMAIL: dalarson@muw.edu
PHONE: (662) 329-7251
About Dr. Dee Larson
Ph.D., Mississippi State University
Dr. Larson holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and a minor in Management, a Master of Business Administration (MBA), and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, all from Mississippi State University. She is also a graduate of The W Leadership Academy and the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy.
Dr. Larson’s areas of expertise include marketing and management with emphasis in social media marketing, customer service, retailing, and human resource management. Dr. Larson has experience as a manager for Belk Department Store and has served as a marketing consultant for a diversified set of local and regional businesses. Dr. Larson teaches management and marketing courses and is a member of the Graduate Faculty.