Dr. Lestonio Yarbrough

Assistant Professor of Management
OFFICE: Reneau Hall, Room 306
EMAIL: lyarbrough@muw.edu
PHONE: (662) 241-6403
About Dr. Lestonio Yarbrough
DBA, Belhaven University
Dr. Yarbrough holds a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) with an emphasis in Human Resources Management from Belhaven University, a Master of Science in Management from Troy University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Mississippi University for Women. She worked in state government for 19 years with 14 years in management and training experience. Lestonio joined MUW in 2019 to provide a real-world familiarity and active learning environment to the classroom. Her research study on Igniting the Next Generation of Heroes: Millennial Firefighters’ Perspectives on Recruitment and Retention in Northeast Mississippi focuses on Human Resource Management practices of recruitment and retention that identify the needs and preferences of Millennial employees in today’s emerging workforce. Dr. Yarbrough teaches human resource management courses, is a member of the Graduate Faculty, and serves as the Co-chair of the FBLA Collegiate Club.