Accelerated Bachelor’s/MBA

Investing in your future by pursuing an MBA is a smart choice. Get a head start with our Accelerated Bachelor’s/MBA Program.

How The Program Works

In the Accelerated Bachelor/MBA Program, you will take undergraduate and graduate classes at the same time, substituting some required undergraduate classes with MBA classes.


  • Reduce time and cost
  • Begin MBA classes during your senior year
  • Complete 12 of the required 36 hours for the MBA program early
  • Pay undergraduate tuition rate for the 4 MBA courses in the program
  • Add instant marketability upon graduation

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a current MUW undergraduate students with a minimum overall GPA of 3.25
  • Must have earned at least 75 credit hours, with 24 hours earned at The W, prior to start of the accelerated program
  • Must have a C or better in the following prerequisite courses prior to start of the program: Principles of Marketing, Principles of Management, Principles of Accounting I, Economics I (or Economics II), and a course related to Information Technology
MBA students sitting outside working on their laptop

Application Deadlines

Fall Admission – April 1
Spring Admission – November 1

Application Information

Applicants must complete the Accelerated Bachelor/MBA Application form by the following dates. Application to the program does not guarantee acceptance.

Program Requirements

  • Students must receive a grade of B or higher in the graduate courses to be applied toward the MBA.
  • Students will be granted their bachelor’s degree when they complete all undergraduate requirements; they are undergraduate students until that point.
  • Admission to the Accelerated Bachelor’s/MBA Degree Program does not guarantee admission to the MBA program.  Students must apply for admission into the MBA program during their senior year by the MBA application deadline. 
  • To receive the most benefit from the program, students should consult with their academic advisor during the sophomore year (no later than the beginning of the junior year). 


All classes taken prior to completing the bachelor's degree are billed at the undergraduate tuition rate. All graduate classes taken after completing the bachelor's degree are billed at the graduate tuition rate.


What graduate courses will a student enroll in during their senior year?


Required Undergraduate Course:

PLG 241 Legal Environment for Business OR Elective (General or Business)

Graduate Course Used to Satisfy Requirement:

PLG 560 Business Law


Required Undergraduate Course:

ACC 465 Managerial Accounting OR ACC 316 Cost Accounting II OR Elective (General or Business)

Graduate Course Used to Satisfy Requirement:

ACC 535 Advanced Managerial Accounting


Required Undergraduate Course:

FIN 355 Business Finance

Graduate Course Used to Satisfy Requirement:

FIN 540 Financial Management


Required Undergraduate Course:

MGT 497 Strategic Management

Graduate Course Used to Satisfy Requirement:

MGT 600 Strategies and Business Models


Years 1-3

  • Make undergraduate academic advisor aware you are interested in the Accelerated Bachelor/MBA Program
  • Maintain a 3.25 overall GPA
  • Complete prerequisite courses with a B or better

Year 3

  • Meet with the MBA Coordinator at beginning of junior year
  • Apply for the Accelerated Bachelor/MBA Program at end of junior year

Year 4

  • Begin the Accelerated Bachelor/MBA Program
  • Start taking MBA classes in place of selected undergraduate courses
  • Maintain 3.0 GPA in all graduate classes and 3.25 overall GPA
  • Apply for the MBA program during the last semester in the program according to the MBA application deadline
  • Graduate with a bachelor’s degree

Year 5

  • If accepted into the MBA program, finish graduate classes
  • Graduate with MBA