Culinary Arts, BS
with Pastry Arts Minor

The Art of Cuisine

Students who wish to express their creativity through food would enjoy this option. Student Chefs will take courses in art, photography, food styling, and demonstration techniques.

Pastry Arts for non-majors: Pastry Arts Minor

A chef instructs a student chef as they stand in front of plated desserts

Additional Opportunities
The internship provides the opportunity to work in your selected area of interest; it gives you exposure to the demands and complexities of a culinary position while helping you build skills needed to advance your career.
In addition to academic scholarships offered by the University, incoming culinary arts majors are eligible for departmental scholarships.
Study abroad is life-changing and essential for the modern student. Study abroad creates global awareness, enhances academic learning, develops leadership skills, adds to personal growth, and can help students advance their careers.

Culinary Arts, BS with Pastry Arts Minor Curriculum

This information is presented for informational purposes. In the event of a discrepancy between this page and the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Bulletin should always be used.

General Education Curriculum

In keeping with The W's Mission, the General Education Program provides students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to become independent, productive members of society in our continually changing world.

The W's General Education Program provides a foundation in the liberal arts that includes knowledge in the historical, literary, aesthetic, scientific, and cultural traditions that shape the world, and fosters skills that allow students to become civically responsible life-long learners ready to adapt to new challenges.

All students who complete the Mississippi University for Women general education program will demonstrate:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Effective Communication
  • Cultural Literacy
  • Quantitative & Technology Skills
  • Understanding of Self, Global Societies, & the Natural World
  • Life-Long Learning

View General Education Requirements

Bachelor of Science Requirements

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must complete the following courses in their academic program:

  • 8 semester hours of Laboratory Science
  • 3 semester hours of Mathematics MA 113 (or higher)
  • 6 semester hours of Science and/or Mathematics
  • 3 semester hours of additional mathematics above MA 113 or computer applications/programming course

A total of 20 hours is required, and students may not double count credit hours in the above categories.

Major Requirements: (40 hours)

  • CA 125 - ServSafe®
  • CA 200 - Introduction to Culinary Arts
  • CA 300 - Food Preparation I (with laboratory)
  • CA 301 - Food Preparation II (with laboratory)
  • CA 310 - Dining Room Services
  • CA 350 - Internship
  • CA 400 - Food Preparation III (with laboratory)
  • CA 401 - World Cuisines (with laboratory)
  • CA 410 - Business Skills in the Culinary Arts
  • FN 225 - Nutrition
  • FN 301 - Science of Food
  • FN 302 - Menu/Recipe Development

Select any two CA or FN courses above 300 level NOT included in major or declared minor (6 hours)

General Electives (as needed to complete hours for degree requirements)

Optional/Elective Courses:

  • CA 315 - Demonstration Techniques
  • CA 375 - Introduction to Breads and Pastries
  • CA 385 - Introduction to Cakes
  • CA 399 - Selected Topics in Culinary Arts
  • CA 415 - Food Styling
  • CA 450 - International Internship
  • CA 451 - Independent Study

Must declare one of the following minors: (18 hours)

  • Culinary Management
  • Pastry Arts
  • Nutrition

Pastry Arts Minor Requirements

  • CA 375 - Introduction to Breads and Pastries
  • CA 385 - Introduction to Cakes
  • CA 315 - Demonstration Techniques
  • CA 415 - Food Styling
  • CA 475 - Advanced Breads and Pastries
  • CA 485 - Advanced Cakes

Total Hours Required for a BS in Culinary Arts with Pastry Arts minor: 120 Semester Hours