Course Listing

Click here for a full description of each course included on this list.

Course Descriptions

Written and Oral Communication (3 semester hours)

The written and oral communication requirement can be met through the successful completion of the following three-hour courses (minimum grade of C or higher required):

  • COM 101 – Oral Communication 
  • EN 101 – English Composition I 
  • EN 102 – English Composition II 
Critical Thinking (3 semester hours)

The critical thinking requirement can be met through successful completion of an approved three-hour course from the following list:

  • Any philosophy (PHL) course that is not a course in religion
  • DEC 200 – Science of Decision-Making
  • NU 204 – Healthcare Ethics Across the Lifespan
Quantifying Skills (3 semester hours)

The mathematics requirement can be met through successful completion of one of the following three-hour courses:

  • MA 113 – College Algebra
  • Higher-numbered mathematics course 
Natural Sciences (8 semester hours)

The Natural sciences requirement can be met through successful completion of the following courses:

  • Two lab-based natural science courses:
    • BSB 109 – Introduction to Biology I
      BSB 109L – Introduction to Biology I Lab
    • BSB 111 – Introduction to Biology II
      BSB 111L – Introduction to Biology II Lab
    • BSB 151 – General Biology I
      BSB 151L – General Biology I Laboratory
    • BSB 152 – General Biology II
      BSB 152L – General Biology II Laboratory
    • BSB 141 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I
    • BSB 142 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II
    • BSB 171 – Biology I 
    • BSB 172 – Biology II  
    • BSM 131 – General Microbiology
      BSM 131L – General Microbiology Laboratory
    • PSC 108 – Introduction to Chemistry
    • PSC 111 – General Chemistry I
      PSC 111L – General Chemistry I Laboratory
    • PSC 112 – General Chemistry II
      PSC 112L – General Chemistry II Laboratory
    • PSP 211 – General Physics
    • PSP 212 – General Physics
    • PSP 213 – General Physics (Calculus Based)
    • PSP 214 – General Physics (Calculus Based)
    • SM 101 – Environmental Science I
    • SM 102 – Environmental Science II
Humanities and Fine Arts (12 semester hours)

The humanities and fine arts requirement can be met through successful completion of approved three-hour survey course(s) from the following areas:

  • One course in History 
  • One course in Literature 
  • One course in Fine Arts 
  • A second course in History, Literature, or Fine Arts 

The complete list of possible courses includes:

History Surveys
  • HIS 101 – World Civilization to 1600 
  • HIS 102 – World Civilization 1600 to present 
  • HIS 109 – US History to 1877 
  • HIS 110 – US History 1877 to present 
Literature Surveys
  • EN 201 – Survey of Early English Literature
  • EN 202 – Survey of Late English Literature
  • EN 203 – Survey of Early American Literature
  • EN 204 – Survey of Late American Literature
  • EN 231 – Survey of Early World Literature
  • EN 232 – Survey of Late World Literature
  • FLF 311 – Survey of French Literature 
  • FLF 312 – Survey of French Literature 
  • FLS 311 – Survey of Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World I
  • FLS 312 – Survey of Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World II
Fine Arts History or Appreciation Courses
  • ART 102 – Art Appreciation 
  • ART 211 – Art History Survey I 
  • ART 212 – Art History Survey II 
  • MUS 100 – Music Appreciation 
  • MUS 105 – Introduction to Music Literature 
  • MUS 301 – History of Music 
  • MUS 302 – History of Music 
  • TH 175 – Theatre Appreciation 
  • TH 457 – History of the Theatre I 
  • TH 458 – History of Theatre II
Social Science (3 semester hours)

The social science requirement can be met through successful completion of an approved three-hour course from one of the following areas:

  • Economics 
  • Geography 
  • Political Science 
  • Psychology 
  • Religion 
  • Sociology 
  • Women’s Studies 

The complete list of possible courses includes:

  • EC 201 – Principles of Macroeconomics 
  • EC 202 – Principles of Microeconomics 
  • FSC 230 – Intimate Relationships 
  • GEO 101 – Elements of World Geography 
  • POL 101 – The Study and Practice of Politics 
  • POL 150 – American Government 
  • PSY 101 – General Psychology 
  • PSY 206 – Human Growth and Development 
  • REL 213 – Religions of the World
  • SOC 201 – Principles of Sociology 
  • WGS 200 – Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Meeting the Challenge of College Life (0-1 semester hour)

Entering freshmen with fewer than 12 hours earned (excluding AP, CLEP, IB and Cambridge International credit, college credit earned while in high school, and college credit earned during the summer between high school graduation and fall enrollment) are required to successfully complete the following course:

  • UN 101 – Introduction to College Life 
Other Enlight Core Curriculum Objectives

Technology: Each major will specify opportunities for its students to work with and learn to adapt to emerging technologies. Please see the degree requirements for individual majors to learn about any additional requirements.

Breadth of Understanding: To satisfy the requirements for any major, students are encouraged to complete courses addressing global* and historical perspectives.

In addition, students must complete at least six hours of general electives. those electives may include (but are not limited to) foreign language courses, courses for a minor, or courses for a second major.

Reinforcing and Extending the Enlight Core Curriculum: In meeting the mission the Enlight Core Curriculum and fulfilling its student learning outcomes, each major will specify courses or activities that reinforce each of the guiding principles for the general education curriculum.

Total Enlight Core Courses: 39-40 Semester Hours

Some Colleges and the School of Professional Studies maintain minimum standards for core requirements, demanding a minimum grade of C in all such classes. Students are encouraged to complete most of the core curriculum during the freshman and sophomore years. They should consult their academic advisors or Section 10.4 Major and Minor Requirements of the Undergraduate Bulletin about the standards for their specific majors.

One-Credit Courses
One-credit courses may be used toward elective hours for graduation requirements. However, no accumulation of one-credit elective courses may be used to satisfy a Enlight Core Curriculum requirement.