Exercise Science Minor

The minor in Exercise Science is designed for those who may be interested in personal fitness training but do not have an interest in completing a B.S. Degree in Kinesiology.
When attempting to satisfy requirements for a minor, students may not count any courses that have been used for a major.
Minor Requirements: (20 Semester Hours)
Select one approved Activity Course: (1 Semester Hour)
KIN 140 – Aerobic Dance
KIN 144 – Conditioning
KIN 147 – Weight Training
KIN 150 – Step Aerobics
Note: If KIN 140, KIN 144, or KIN 150 was taken for General Education, students must take KIN 147.
If KIN 147 was taken for General Education, students must take KIN 140, KIN 144, or KIN 150.
Other Required Courses: (19 Semester Hours)
- KIN 308 – Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
- KIN 350 – Psychology of Exercise and Sport
- KIN 361 – Physiology of Exercise
- KIN 371 – Motor Development
- KIN 390 – Anatomical Kinesiology
- KIN 408 – Human Biomechanics
Total: 20 Credit Hours