Are you interested in careers in law enforcement and other professions involving the criminal justice system or criminal justice advocacy and reform movement? Do you want to explore the political dynamics and policy implications of crime, law enforcement, and the justice system? If so, the Criminal Justice Policy concentration in Political Science is for you. The interdisciplinary coursework is designed to empower graduates with a firm understanding of the sociopolitical and governmental factors and processes that impact criminal justice policies and outcomes, as well as the social, political, and legal contexts that shape crime and the operation of law enforcement organizations
The Political Science-Criminal Justice Policy degree requires a total of 42 credit hours: 18 hours in the Government & Criminal Justice Core, and an additional 24 hours from elective categories that include course options in political science, history, psychology, family science, and legal studies.
This information is presented for informational purposes. In the event of a discrepancy between this page and the Undergraduate Bulletin, the Bulletin should always be used.
In keeping with The W's Mission, the General Education Program provides students with the skills, knowledge, and values they need to become independent, productive members of society in our continually changing world.
The W's General Education Program provides a foundation in the liberal arts that includes knowledge in the historical, literary, aesthetic, scientific, and cultural traditions that shape the world, and fosters skills that allow students to become civically responsible life-long learners ready to adapt to new challenges.
All students who complete the Mississippi University for Women general education program will demonstrate:
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree must complete the following courses in their academic program:
A total of 20 hours is required, and students may not double count credit hours in the above categories.
Select three of the following Political Science Electives:
And choose one of the following:
Select one of the following Social Foundations courses:
Select one of the following Social Dynamics and Problems Electives:
Total Hours Required for a BS in Political Science with Concentration in Criminal Justice Policy: 120 Semester Hours