Graduation & Retention Course Completion Credentialing Exams
The Enrollment Management Council identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement that is appropriate to the institution’s mission.
Graduation and Retention
For Goals 1 through 4, Fall retention numbers are based on MS IHL census date (November 1).
Goal 1
77% retention of Full-time First-time (FT-FT) students seeking a Bachelor’s degree.
Mississippi University for Women fosters the academic development and engagement of first-time full-time students by supporting continued enrollment into the third academic term and beyond.

Goal 2
6-year graduation rate of 45% for Full-time First-time (FT-FT) Freshmen seeking a Bachelor’s degree.
Mississippi University for Women promotes the educational attainment of its first-time full-time students by providing high quality undergraduate education in a variety of liberal arts and professional programs and supporting degree attainment within twelve academic terms.

Goal 3
75% or greater first-year retention/graduation rate of Full-time First-time (FT-FT) Transfer students seeking a Bachelor’s degree (excluding Tupelo Nursing RN to BSN and excluding part-time transfer students).
Mississippi University for Women fosters the academic development and engagement of transfer students by encouraging continued enrollment into the third academic term and beyond.

Goal 4
4-year graduation rate of 63% for Full-time First-time (FT-FT) Transfer students seeking a Bachelor’s degree (excluding Tupelo Nursing RN to BSN).
Mississippi University for Women promotes the educational attainment of its transfer students by providing high quality undergraduate education in a variety of liberal arts and professional programs and supporting degree attainment within eight academic terms.

Goal 5
8-year graduation rate at or above the public Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (MS IHL) system average rate. (This is MUW’s designated SACSCOC Completion Indicator Metric as calculated for the IPEDS Outcome Measures Survey.)
Mississippi University for Women promotes educational attainment for all segments of students by providing high quality undergraduate education in a variety of liberal arts and professional programs and supporting degree attainment in Mississippi.

**Cohorts for all Outcome Measures Surveys include full-time and part-time students as well as first-time entering freshmen and transfers. Students seeking an associate’s degree and associate degree awards are also included in these calculations.
Goal 6
Exceed the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) system average for undergraduate degrees awarded per 100 undergraduate FTE enrollment {Source: EAC Report Card}
Mississippi University for Women strives to provide a high-quality education throughout Mississippi and northwest Alabama.

Course Completion {Source: EAC Report Card}
Goal 7
Exceed the IHL system average for the percent of full-time students completing 24 credit hours within one academic year.
Mississippi University for Women emphasizes a personalized learning environment to address the unique educational needs of Mississippi and northwest Alabama through course completion.

Licensing/Credentialing Examinations
Goal 8
Maintain or exceed a 3-year average of an 80% passage rate on licensing/credentialing exams in a field of study.
Mississippi University for Women promotes licensure pass rates through research, scholarship, and creativity for advanced knowledge in academic disciplines.

*According to the Annual Report for Mississippi Nursing Degree Programs presented by the Office of Academic and Student Affairs for Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning in May 2023.
*Updated June 29, 2023 – INSTRA