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Friday, January 31, 2025
Library Hours 7:30am – 5:00pm

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Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections
1100 College Street
MUW Box 1625
Mississippi University for Women
Columbus, Mississippi 39701

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Preferred Citation

Most archives including this one have particular language scholars should use in citing sources from them, including various elements necessary to locate a given record and the full name of the archives.

For general information on citing sources see Purdue OWL.

Analog and Digital Records Housed Locally

Records found in the Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections should be cited using the following elements in this order:

  1. document title and date (if any),
  2. the box number (if applicable),
  3. the folder’s place in the box (if applicable),
  4. the collection title (if known),
  5. “Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections, Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.”

When documents lack a discrete title, a brief description should be created for them. If the box, folder, and/or collection is unknown or not applicable, it can be omitted; most items in the rare book library, for instance, will lack all three of these elements.

Examples (note: these are styled as bibliography entries using Chicago Manual of Style):

Hard copy of correspondence in a folder in a storage box:

  • Letter from James Strobel to Gloria Atkinson, November 5, 1983. Box C130, folder 5. James Strobel Presidential Papers. Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections, Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.

Item in a box without a folder:

  • Design sketch of front of MUW campus by R. H. Hunt and Associates, 1902. Box C067. Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections, Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.

Bound item in the rare book library:

  • Mississippi Industrial Institute and College Catalog, 1911. Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections, Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.

Published sources found in the reference files (these can be cited solely using their publication information):

  • Smith, John. “MUW Students Assist with War Effort.” Columbus Commercial Dispatch November 2, 1943.

Unpublished sources found in the reference files:

  • Individual alumni reminiscences, 1975. Reference file, folder “Emma Ody Pohl.” Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections, Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.

Digital files not published online can be cited using the document title and date, series (if one exists), collection, repository, and location.

  • Interview with Barbara Turner Bankhead, 2017. Desegregation Oral Histories series, History Department Record Group. Beulah Culbertson Archives and Special Collections, Fant Memorial Library, Mississippi University for Women, Columbus, MS.

Online Records

When using online sources, please acknowledge their source by clearly stating the title of the source, publication date, and the name of the institution. Then specify the URL (Web address) of the online resources page and note the date accessed.
