Display of Opening hours
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Library Hours 9:00am – 5:00pm

Access Your Interlibrary Loans

What is the Interlibary Loan?

Interlibrary loan is the borrowing of materials (books or photocopies) that are not found within the MUW collection for current faculty, staff, and students of Mississippi University for Women. Contact ill-lib@muw.edu with any questions not answered here.

Who is eligible to use Interlibrary Loan?

Faculty, staff, and students who are currently affiliated with MUW or MSMS.

What can and cannot be borrowed?

The library is unable to borrow required textbooks through interlibrary loan. Most books and journal articles can be borrowed. (as long as the request is copyright compliant) Items like conference papers, proceedings, musical scores, microfilm, videotapes, audio tapes, CDs may have limited retrieval options depending on the lending library.

Materials that cannot normally be obtained include entire periodicals, reference books, bulky or fragile items, rare materials, and materials from online databases where the user agreement does not allow Interlibrary Loan.

What if I lose or damage material?

If materials are lost or damaged, the patron may be invoiced for the replacement price for the material and other fees the lending library chooses to impose.

What does it cost?

Interlibrary loan services are free to MUW and MSMS patrons, including dissertations and theses.  Any costs are paid for by Fant Memorial Library.

How long will it take?

Please allow 2-4 days for journal articles and 7 -10 days for books.  Materials owned by very few libraries may take longer or may not be available.

How will I be notified when the material(s) have been received?

You will be notified by e-mail when your material(s) arrives. Please make sure you supply current MUW or MSMS contact information.


Loans can be picked up at Fant Memorial Library Circulation Services desk. All BOOK loans must be returned by the due date. Articles received through ILL arrive in digital format yours to keep once you download them. If you are a distance education student or faculty member, we will mail your books to the address provided with a stamped self-addressed envelope. 

Can I renew the material?

Yes, if the lending library permits it. Contact ill-lib@muw.edu to renew items.

How much material can I request?

There is no limit as to the amount of material that can be requested.