Creative Writing Minor
Students who are pursing a major other than English can minor in Creative Writing.
The requirements are essentially the same as the Concentration in Creative Writing, except there are fewer required literature classes. Students must take EN 312 Creative Writing, and they must take at least two additional creative writing classes, one of which must be at the 400 level: Poetry or Fiction Writing Workshop. In addition, students take at least six hours of other English classes, which may be in literature or writing (general education classes may not be counted towards the minor). Student also complete the Senior Portfolio.
Minor Requirements
EN 312 – Creative Writing
3 hours of transfer credit in creative writing
Select 2 other Creative Writing classes (one must be 400 level): (6 Semester Hours)
EN 311 – Nonfiction Writing
EN 411 – Fiction Writing Workshop
EN 412 – Poetry Writing Workshop
EN 415 – Advanced Writing Workshop
TH 315 – Playwriting
Select 3 English electives: (9 Semester Hours) EN 201 or higher
EN 419 – Senior Portfolio
Additional ways to add creative writing to your studies
Students may choose an English Minor instead of a Creative Writing minor, Taking 15 hours of English beyond the 9-12 core English hours. Of those five classes, any number may be creative writing classes. For those interested in writing, we recommend taking at least one 300-level writing course and one 400-level writing course, and we recommend that you take several literature courses as well. Writers need to be well read to know the tradition in which they are working. Of course, writers should also read widely outside of classes, especially in the genres or styles that interest them most.
Students who are not officially listed with the Creative Writing Concentration or Creative Writing Minor, but who are interested in taking more than one writing course should contact Dr. Dunkelberg to become an Affiliate of the Creative Writing Program. This is an unofficial designation, but it will allow us to contact you about creative writing events, classes, and other information.