Dr. Reyna Vergara

Assistant Professor of Spanish
OFFICE: Painter Hall 103B
EMAIL: revergara@muw.edu
PHONE: 662-370-1679
About Dr. Vergara
BS in Secondary Education Spanish and History, Baylor University
MDiv in Theology and Education, Truett Seminary at Baylor University
PhD and MA in Spanish Language and Literature, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Areas of Specialization: Colonial Latin American Literature; Cognitive Control and L2 Acquisition; Spanish language, culture, and grammar
Research Interests: Colonial Mexico and Guatemala; The concept of identity and the ‘self’; Creative writing as a tool of empowerment; Individual and national attempts to escape oppression; The executive function of the brain and pedagogy
Selected Publications: “The Executive Function of the Brain as Applied to L2 Instruction in the Diverse Classroom” in Engaging Teacher Candidates and Language Learners with Authentic Practice; “Mami me marca” in Ámbitos Feministas and “Where Is Home, My Child” in Confluencia