Bachelor of Science in Nursing
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Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Vandergriff College:
College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Baccalaureate Nursing
Total Credit Hours: 128
Generic Option - 4 Years, full-time
RN-to-BSN Option - 9 months + transfer credits
Cost per credit hour: $353
Full-time Tuition: $4,246/semester
RN-to-BSN: $10,000 flat rate
The baccalaureate program in nursing is designed to prepare a nurse generalist who exercises leadership in the prevention of illness and promotion of health as a member of the community and professional nursing and as an agent of change who helps to bring about modifications of nursing practice to meet emerging health needs. This is consistent with the belief that the professional nurse will be prepared to function as a generalist, a leader, and a change agent. Graduates of this program will have the educational foundation to pursue advanced study such as the master's degree.
As an BSN major, you will take classes such as:
The Baccalaureate Program in Nursing is designed to prepare a nurse generalist who exercises leadership in the prevention of illness and promotion of health as a member of the community and professional nursing and as an agent of change who helps to bring about modifications of nursing practice to meet emerging health needs.
If you are already a Registered Nurse who is interested in advancing your education, expanding career options, and enhancing leadership and critical thinking skills, then our program is designed for you. The W offers a full-time track, which can be completed in three semesters, and a part-time track, which can be completed in five.
Median national salary for Registered Nurses according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook.