How to Apply to the MFA in Creative Writing

Before You Apply

When you start your application to our low-residency MFA program in Creative Writing, we ask that you tell us about yourself and your writing, so we can help you decide whether The W is the right program for you and whether you are ready for our program. There is no fee to submit the pre-application, so your first step is to prepare the following materials.

MFA students stand in front of Painter Hall

Letter of Intent

Please send a brief, professional letter of intent (1-2 pages single-spaced) indicating why you are interested in our program, what your goals are for your writing, and who you are as a writer and as a person. In your letter, be sure to mention the relevant educational experiences you have had (degrees and/or classes), any publications you might have. Remember, you are required to have a bachelor's degree in hand by the time you enter our program. It isn't absolutely required that this be in English or Creative Writing, but some work in upper-level literature and writing classes can be beneficial. If you haven't studied much literature or writing, then you should account for that and discuss your background as a reader in your letter.

Writing Sample

Include a writing sample of 10-30 pages of your best poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or drama. Poetry pages should be single-spaced; fiction, nonfiction, and drama should be double-spaced. More pages aren't necessarily better. For a poetry sample, 10-15 pages should be sufficient. For other genres, one story, essay, or a short play may plenty. If your stories, essays, or plays are under 15 pages, you might include a second example or a third if they're very short.. Choose your best work that represents your goals for our program. A mixed-genre writing sample is allowed. Attach a cover sheet to your writing sample with contact information: name, mailing address, phone number, and email. Do not include the cover page in your page count.

Guide for Applicants

For more information on the application process, including the writing sample, letter of intent, and letters of recommendation, see our Guide for Applicants.

Though it discusses the specifics of our program, this guide may be a benefit to anyone thinking about a Creative Writing MFA. It also has advice on deciding whether your'e ready for an MFA, how to choose a program, and how to afford one.

Apply to The W's MFA in Creative Writing

  • Submit your Pre-Application

    • Letter of Intent: 1-2 pages
    • Writing Sample: 10-30 pages of your creative work


It may take us a week or more to review your materials and respond.
If a deadline is looming, you may complete the full application
Otherwise, please wait for our response before continuing.

  • Complete the Graduate Application

    • List of all colleges or universities attended after high school,, even schools where you did not earn a degree
    • Request three letters of recommendation from professors or others who know you and your writing
    • GRE scores are not required
    • Application fee: $25

Graduate Application

Application Deadlines

Fall and Summer

Priority deadline for Fall applicants is March 1, after which we continue to review applications as long as space is available.

The final deadline for Fall admission is June 30.

Those who apply before April 30 may choose to be admitted for the summer term.


The deadline for Spring admission is December 1.

After You Apply

Once you've submitted your application and paid your application fee, you will be able to monitor your progress in Slate.

  • Recommendations: verify when letters of recommendation have been received and send reminders if needed. You can also add a recommender if you need to replace someone who is not responding.

  • Official transcripts: Send and verify receipt of all undergraduate and graduate work from every institution attended, including MUW.

    • Electronic Transcripts should be sent to Office of Graduate Studies
    • Hard copies transcripts should be mailed to Office of Graduate Studies, 1100 College Street W-1603, Columbus, MS 39701
  • Proof of Immunization: Admitted students will be required to show proof of 2 doses of MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella) vaccination. Now is a good time to locate these documents. See the Graduate Bulletin for a full description of current admissions requirements.

    Upon admission, you will submit immunization records to the Campus Health Center:

    • mail to Campus Health Center, 1100 College Street MUW 330, Columbus, MS 39701
    • email to
    • fax to (662) 241-7486


Our final admissions decision will be based on the writing sample, letter, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. We typically admit 10-15 students each year, and we are looking to build a community of talented writers who represent a variety of writing styles and backgrounds.

To be eligible for full admission to the MFA program, students must have at least a 2.75 undergraduate GPA or a 3.0 GPA on their last 60 hours. Graduate coursewoork will be considered in the last 60 hours, and students who have completed a graduate degree will be evaluated on the GPA of that degree.

Students with a lower GPA may be considered for conditional admission. Students admitted conditionally are not eligible for financial aid until the condition has been lifted, usually after the first successful semester or at least 6 hours of graduate study with a B or higher in all classes. 

Financial Aid

Scholarship aid is limited and priority will be given to early applicants. Those interested in financial assistance must submit a Graduate Studies Scholarship Application. These may be submitted with the application or after the fact. Students should also fill out the FAFSA application, since they may qualify for federal student loans or student work-study awards.

Graduate Scholarship Application Graduate Financial Aid Complete the FAFSA