Carmen E. Osburn

Professor of Music, Director of Music Therapy
PHONE: (662) 241-7897
About Prof. Osburn
B.S., Tennessee Technological University
M.A., Drexel University
Carmen E. Osburn, MA, MT-BC, Professor of Music and Director of Music Therapy at The W, is originally from Ripley, Tennessee. She received her Bachelor of Science with an emphasis in music therapy from Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN and her Master of Arts in Creative Arts in Therapy from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Certified by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) since 1994, she has provided music therapy services for children and adolescents in school, medical and psychiatric settings, as well as in drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Her work with adult clients includes geriatric home health services, medical, psychiatric, and substance rehabilitation settings. Before coming to MUW in 2005 she was a full-time clinician and adjunct faculty member at the University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, where she taught music therapy clinical techniques, and supervised students in clinical practicum. She has served on the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) Academic Program Approval Committee since 2010 as a representative of the Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association (SER-AMTA), and was appointed as Co-Chair of the Committee in 2023. She also represents the SER-AMTA on the AMTA Assembly of Delegates. She served on the Board of Directors of SER-AMTA from 2009 to 2023 as 2nd Vice President, President Elect, President (2019-2021), and Past President. In addition she serves on the Mississippi Music Therapy State Task Force and represents the state on the SER-AMTA Continuing Education Committee.