Mortyakova elected to NASM Commission on Accreditation
Mississippi University for Women’s Dr. Julia Mortyakova was recently elected to the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) Commission on Accreditation.

“I am thrilled about the opportunity to serve my profession,” said Mortyakova, chair of The W’s Department of Music, who will serve in the Baccalaureate category. “It is a great honor to have my colleagues trust my expertise to elect me to serve in this important role.”
Mortyakova recently completed a three-year term as chair of the NASM Region VIII. She has served as vice chair of the region and as a team member on evaluative on-site visits. Mortyakova also has undergone “NASM Experienced Evaluator” training that she will utilize as team chair on NASM evaluative visits.
“The NASM Commission on Accreditation ensures that musical units are following the standards set by the association,” Mortyakova said. “The work of the commission helps schools provide music students with a high-quality education.”
The NASM Commission on Accreditation features 18 elected members: a chair, an associate chair and 16 members, all elected by the NASM membership, and three public members. Each of the 16 commission members is elected in one of four categories: baccalaureate, master’s, doctorate or at-large with four places in each. Each commission member, with the exception of the public members, must have had experience as a visiting evaluator.
The duties of the Commission are to apply the accreditation and membership standards of the association for baccalaureate and graduate institutions and programs and for independent postsecondary non-degree-granting institutions. The commission receives applications and determines the qualifications of institutions seeking membership and, after thorough examination in accordance with association procedures, takes action on behalf of the association. The commission also has the power to investigate the maintenance of standards and the observance of published commitments in any member institution under its jurisdiction.