Little Music Makers returns for spring
Mississippi University for Women’s Music Therapy Clinic is bringing the Little Music Makers back for the spring term beginning Tuesday, Feb. 11.
The program runs for 12 weeks, meeting each Tuesday from 9:30-10:15 a.m. Children up to 4 years old can participate.
“This music group is a fun and creative time for the children, but also for the parents and caregivers that accompany them. The music activities are designed to be adaptable for preschool children of all developmental levels and abilities, so it is inclusive for those with special needs too. The families participate together and that gives them a special time to be playful, creative and make those bonds even stronger. The families also have an opportunity to build community with the other families, and the children get to know each other,” said Carmen Osburn, professor of music and director of music therapy.
The program is free but requires registration. There is no deadline to register. There will also be registration held on-site the day of the event, meaning families can show up the day of and still participate.
Families can also join at any point throughout the program’s run. It is not required to join from the very beginning.
There is no cap on the number of participants this year, where past clinics have been limited to 10 children.
The clinic is located in the former Speech-Language Pathology space in the Cromwell Communication Center, located at the corner of Ninth Street South and Sixth Avenue South.
The program has become a regular project for the music therapy clinic.
“This is our second year of offering this program to the public, and it will continue to be a part of The W’s Music Therapy Clinic’s programming into the future,” Osburn said.
To register, contact Osburn at (662) 241-7897 or by email at
About The W’s Music Therapy program
Mississippi University for Women’s Music Therapy program combines the excellent education and resources offered by the University and a dedication to the value of a liberal arts education to provide an exciting and challenging training program in music therapy. Students experience an intimate learning environment and a strong emphasis in applied learning. The 124-credit hour curriculum combines a diverse General Studies core with intensive work in music (including Theory, History, Conducting and Performance), Music Therapy and Psychology, leading to a Bachelor of Music Degree in Music Therapy.