Mississippi University for Women’s Dr. Jon Fessenden, assistant professor of music therapy, recently achieved a career first. He wrote a chapter for the book, “Heavy Metal and Disability: Crips, Crowds and Cacophonies.”

Fessenden’s chapter delves into “Autistic Musicality,” a passion of his.

“The chapter discusses the nature of autistic perception, and how certain features of autistic auditory processing are receptive to characteristics of heavy metal music. My research investigates autistic musicality and I have always been interested in heavy metal music as well, so this combines my passions,” Fessenden said.

The book released April 29, is available via online retailers such as Amazon.com.

There will be an online launch party to celebrate the book at 11 a.m., June 1.

“All the authors will talk about their chapter for about seven minutes each,” Fessenden said.

Please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/heavy-metal-and-disability-online-book-launch-tickets-902480983917?aff=oddtdtcreator to register for a spot in the launch party.

About The W

Located in historic Columbus, Mississippi, The W was founded in 1884 as the first state-supported college for women in the United States. Today, the university is home to 2,193 students in more than 70 majors and concentrations and has educated men for 40 years. The university is nationally recognized for low student debt, community and social mobility which empowers students to BE BOLD.

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