Students who wish to withdraw from the university must do so through the College of their major or through the Student Success Center if they are undeclared. The last day to withdraw from the university is listed on the Academic Calendar (see Registrar’s page). Once the withdrawal request form is processed, this is an irreversible action. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate withdrawal procedures from all classes and to make sure all obligations are met after doing so.

Withdrawal from Mississippi University for Women does not necessarily indicate a clearance of financial or other obligations. All obligations to the university must be met regardless of withdrawal status. Refunds, if any, are made according to the MUW refund schedule listed on the University Accounting Office’s Tuition and Fees webpage, based on the date of withdrawal. Leaving the university without filing a formal withdrawal notice will result in failing grades in all courses for which the student is registered. Withdrawing from a residence hall is not the same as withdrawing from the university course work.

Withdrawal Effect on Tuition – Adjustments to Charges/Refunds

Adjustments to tuition and housing expense are made for students who officially withdraw from the university during the first ten days of classes in the full-term fall, spring and during the first six days of the full summer term, or during the first three days of the five-week summer sessions, or during the first five days of the accelerated fall and spring sessions. Students will be assessed $100.00 or 5% of full tuition (whichever is lower) and reimbursed for the remainder. No refund in tuition will be given after the above listed periods. Tuition charges are not adjusted if classes are dropped after the last day to add/drop classes via WConnect -Banner Self-Service. The last day to drop via Banner Self-Service is the last day to add a class. See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Withdrawal Effect on Housing-Refund of Housing and Meal Plan

Non-Attendance of classes does not constitute an official withdrawal from the university. Per contract agreement, students who remain enrolled but who withdraw from the residence hall will receive no refund of fees, and if they signed a two-semester contract they will be billed again for housing in the spring semester so long as they are still enrolled at MUW. Students who withdraw from the university during the first two weeks of classes will have their living expenses and original plan disbursement expenses pro-rated, with an 85% refund. Students who are charged for a private room will have rates adjusted if the private room status is changed. No adjustments will be made in housing fees in the last thirty calendar days of the semester.

Students who withdraw from the university are responsible for any balance remaining on their account.

Withdrawal Effect on Financial Aid

Students who choose to withdraw from the university prior to the end of the term must follow the “Withdrawal Process” established by the university. (Students who wish to completely withdraw from the university must do so through the College or School of their major or through the Student Success Center if they are undeclared). Failure to complete the semester may have an effect on the financial aid funds disbursed to a student’s account and paid to cover tuition, fees, bookstore charges, campus housing costs, or paid to the student as a refund.

Students who withdraw before the 60% point in the semester will have a “pro rata reduction” in the amount of financial aid disbursed. The federal regulations expect students to “earn” the use of funds for attending the “entire” semester. The percentage of the semester that was not attended becomes the percent of funds that may need to be returned. This reduction will leave an unpaid balance owed to the university on the student’s account, but student loans will be reduced with their lender and other aid funds will be returned to the program accounts for possible use in the summer semester.

Failure to complete the semester and failure to “officially” withdraw is considered an “unofficial withdrawal”. Failure to complete the courses in the semester will result in a grade of F. Faculty are requested to report the last day of class attendance (LDA) or participation in a class project or activity to allow the Financial Aid Office to calculate the percentage of the course the student completed. When no LDA is provided, the 50% point or mid-term date issued to determine the amount of aid to be returned to the federal or state programs. The longer students attend, the lower the amount of funds to be returned and amount owed to MBU will also be less.

Withdrawal Effect on Course Grade

Withdrawing by the last day to withdraw without receiving a grade results in a grade of W on the student record, which does not calculate in the GPA. Withdrawing after this date, but by the last day to completely withdraw from the university, results in a grade of WP or WF. WP grades do not affect GPA, but WF grades do calculate into the GPA, the same as a grade of F. The withdrawal dates and deadlines are published in the Academic Calendar.

Withdrawal from the University

  1. Sign into your WConnect account.
  2. From the Quick Launch menu select Banner Self-Service.
  3. Select the Student tab on the next screen.
  4. Under the heading Student Forms select Withdrawal Request.
  5. The Withdrawal Request form will appear with most of the student information populated.
  6. Make the appropriate selections for department (department of your major), athlete, international student and Veteran benefits.
  7. Complete the questions regarding Financial Aid, University Accounting, and returning to the university.
  8. In the space provided indicated your reason for your withdrawal and attach any required documentation to the form.
  9. Select the box by your name to agree with the statement at the top of the form.
  10. To sign the form, click within the signature box and follow the instructions for an electronical signature.
  11. Select submit form. Once submitted the form will be routed for signatures to your advisor, the department chair, the dean and the Registrar. The form will be processed by the Registrar’s Office and all updates regarding the withdrawal form request will be sent to the student’s MyApps email.