Early Alert

Encouraging Success

The Early Alert Program is a proactive system of communication and collaboration between faculty, Student Success Center staff, and students.  The program promotes academic success by:

  • Identifying students experiencing difficulty with courses
  • Encouraging students to attend classes and actively participate
  • Providing resources as a support system to assist students holistically
  • Developing a mindset that leads to further academic success

Spring 2025 Early Alert Dates

First Day: January 29, 2025

Last Day: March 5, 2025

Midterm Early Alert Holds

Students whose midterm GPA falls below a 2.0 will have a hold placed on their Banner account. Midterm holds provide an opportunity for students to seek advice from their Student Success Navigator. Students are required to meet with their Student Success Navigator to work on an academic plan for student success. Once these meetings are held, the student’s Midterm hold will be released by the Student Success Center.

Pink azelea bushes in bloom

Early Alert Protocol

Before filing the Early Alert, Faculty should do their best to reach out to students following the first class absence, this outreach should include:

  • Confirmation that student is okay, offer campus support resources (i.e. counseling, student success, writing)
  • Acknowledge the date class was missed and keep record for possible early alert filing;
  • A reminder of the course attendance policy (if applicable) and the importance of attending class (especially if there are unique aspects to your course that require attendance); and
  • Expectations for making up missed in-class assignments (if applicable)

The Academic Early Alert Form is specific to the following types of concerns. Each area of concern includes an example of what the details section should include. Filing the early alert:

  • Lack of Class Participation/Engagement;
    (Jessica only turned in her first assignment but has not responded to any of my canvas announcements. She has also failed to complete her discussion board assignments.)

  • Unsubmitted assignment;
    (Jessica has not completed any assignments since August 14. After receiving multiple reminders through canvas and email.)

  • Bad test grades;
    (Jessica received a 62 on her first test and a 70 on her second reading assignment. We have discussed her grades multiple times but there is a lack of studying and time management from her in this course.)

  • Poor Homework/Quiz Scores;
    (Jessica has returned her homework assignments for the past 2 weeks incomplete. Because these homework assignments factor into her final grade, it is very important that she complete her homework fully.)

  • Habitual tardiness (more than one absence)
    (Jessica did not attend my first 2 class sessions. I reached out about her absence and she stated she had a death recently in the family. We spoke about ways she could make up for her absence but I have seen no effort on her part to do those activities. We just had our 3rd class session and she did not attend. I am now very concerned with her overall performance in the class.)