Campus Judicial vs. Criminal Justice Process
There are significant differences between the campus conduct and criminal justice procedures. The processes are NOT mutually exclusive. In other words, a student may be arrested and charged in the criminal justice system AND under the Code of Conduct.
Overall, the campus conduct process is less formal than criminal proceedings.
The decision making process in campus conduct processes is that of a hearing, not a trial. Students, and their advisors, should expect a supportive and non-adversarial environment during the hearing process.
The campus conduct process is intended to be educational, not punitive. Our goal is to help the student better understand the impact of his or her actions and to help him or her take steps towards repairing the harm done to the University community. Sanctions are not predetermined, but rather accommodating the individual circumstances of a given case.
Attendance at Mississippi University for Women is not a right, rather it is a privilege. As such, removal of a student from campus through a sanction of suspension or dismissal is a possibility in certain circumstances in which the student has endangered themselves, the university community, or engaged in repeated violations of the Code of Conduct.
Charges for alleged violations of the Code of Conduct may or may not be violations of local, state or federal law.
Findings of responsible in the campus conduct process will not result in any criminal record. Additionally, findings of “guilty” or “not guilty” in the criminal system usually have no bearing on the outcome of campus judicial proceedings.
Campus conduct cases are confidential, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) which is a federal law. Criminal records become public records and information may be shared with the community at large.
While students are entitled to an advisor, (friend, parent, any person of their choosing) that advisor may not represent that student. Students are expected to speak for themselves at all times during the process and any advisors disregarding these rules will be asked to leave any meeting or hearing.