Find community. Become a leader.

The Women’s College curriculum is built on The W’s strong foundation of courses across majors that help you increase your understanding of women's and gender issues. These courses also provide you with opportunities to develop community with other Women's College students and specialized knowledge and support that help you pursue your own academic and professional goals.

Students complete one of two paths. The name of each path honors The W’s creation in 1884 as the first public college for women in the United States.


Students who complete the following requirements graduate with designation as having completed the requirements of the Women’s College as an 1884 Scholar:

  • Select four Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies electives (12 hours)

  • or

  • Select three Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies electives (9 hours)
  • Complete three sections of WC 101 Women’s College Colloquium (1 credit hour each, 3 hours total)

Students are strongly encouraged to take WGS 200 Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, which also fulfills the General Education Social Sciences requirement.

1884 Scholars will be recognized for their achievement at commencement.


Students who complete the following requirements graduate with designation as having completed the requirements of the Women’s College as an 1884 Fellow:

  • Three sections of WC 101: Women’s College Colloquium (1 credit hour each, 3 hours total)
  • WGS 200 Intro to Women's Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Two Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies electives (6 hours)
  • One Women’s College experiential learning or research course (3 hours) (choose one):
    • WGS 401 Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Internship
    • WC 402 Women’s College Independent Research (with approval of the Women’s College Director)
    • WGS 499 Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Capstone
    • Internship in student’s major or minor with substantial Women’s College component (with approval of the Women’s College Director and a written analysis by the student of how the experience related to gender issues)
    • UN 299 Study Abroad with substantial Women’s College component (with approval of the Women’s College Director and a written analysis by the student of how the experience related to gender issues)
    • HO 402 with substantial Women’s College component (with approval of the Women’s College director)

1884 Scholars will be recognized for their achievement at commencement.

Some courses you take for the Women’s College may also count toward your major. WGS 200 Introduction to Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies can also fulfill a Enlight Core Curriculum requirement. Any student who completes the Women’ College curriculum is free to also go on to complete the major or minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and still receive recognition as a graduate of the Women’s College.

Enrolling in the Women's College

All W students are eligible to enroll in the Women’s College just as they would take courses for a major or minor and only need to notify the Women’s College Director that they wish to be advised for their first course(s).