Graduate Curriculum

Students in any MUW graduate program may complete one of two pathways in the Women’s College. Either pathway can be an important complement to the student’s main course of study, providing a specialization in master’s-level women’s studies with a focus on women’s leadership.

Women’s College Curriculum: 1884 Graduate Scholars

Students who complete the following requirements graduate with designation as having completed the requirements of the Women’s College as an 1884 Graduate Scholar:

  • 4 Women’s Studies electives at the 500-level or above (12 hours)

Women’s College Curriculum: 1884 Graduate Fellows

Required Courses:

Students who complete the following requirements graduate with designation as having completed the requirements of the Women’s College as an 1884 Graduate Fellow:

  • 4 Women’s Studies electives at the 500-level or more (12 hours)
  • 1 Women’s College experiential learning or research course (3 hours) (choose one)
    • WS 500
    • WS 599
    • Internship in the student’s graduate program with substantial Women’s College component (with approval of the Women’s College director and a written analysis by the student of how the experience related to gender issues)
    • Thesis or Independent Study in the student’s graduate program with substantial Women’s College component (with approval of the Women’s College director)

Program Requirement:

1884 Graduate Fellows must also complete one of the following:

  • a presentation to Women’s College undergraduates of analysis by the student of how their experience in WS 510 related to gender issues
  • a presentation to Women’s College undergraduates of WS 599
  • a presentation to Women’s College undergraduates of how an approved Internship in the student’s graduate program related to gender issues
  • a presentation to Women’s College undergraduates of an approved Theses or Independent Study in the student’s graduate program

Enrolling in the Women's College

All W students are eligible to enroll in the Women’s College just as they would take courses for a major or minor and only need to notify the Women’s College Director that they wish to be advised for their first course(s).