Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)/Alternate Route Initial Licensure Program

Program Philosophy

The Master of Arts in Teaching degree provides college students with the following:

  • an alternate opportunity to teach in accredited schools;
  • mentoring and support for those who wish to teach in an accredited school; and
  • the coursework, knowledge, and field experiences necessary to become a licensed and successful teacher.

Thirty (30) hours are required for a Master of Arts in Teaching degree. MAT students must have taught full time in an accredited school for one year prior to completion of the degree program. Upon successful completion of the 30 hours in the program, candidates will be eligible for a renewable Class AA Mississippi Educator license.


All students must have active Watermark accounts while enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program. Students needing new Watermark accounts will be assessed a program fee, currently $139.00, during their initial term of enrollment.

Apply to Graduate Studies MAT Program

If you already have a bachelor’s degree, you will need to complete the online application. You will need the following items:


  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate & graduate institutions attended
  • At least a 3.0 GPA
  • A resume
  • 3 letters of recommendation
  • A passing score on an Approved Praxis II Subject Area Exam

Apply to Graduate Studies at The W

Who should write my letters of recommendation?

Three letters of recommendation are required as part of the application process. The selection of professional references should include those with whom applicants have worked within the educational setting and those who have supervised the applicant’s teaching performance.

MAT Admissions for current MUW Undergraduate Students

MAT for MUW Seniors Accelerated Bachelor's/MAT Program

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Curriculum

This information is presented for informational purposes. In the event of a discrepancy between this page and the Graduate Bulletin, the Bulletin should always be used.

First Semester

  • ED 538: Understanding Individual Learning Differences
  • ED 549: Instructional Assessment Practices & Procedures
  • ED 551: Managing the Instructional Environments

At this point, candidates are eligible for a 3-year, non-renewable Mississippi Educator License and should obtain a certified teaching position in the subject area and grade endorsed on their 3-year, non-renewable Mississippi Educator License. At this point, candidates are expected to identify and apply for potential full-time teaching positions in desired school districts, as this is required to complete ED 697: Internship in Master of Education.

Internship Phase

  • ED 697: Internship in Masters of Education (6 hours)

At this point, candidates are eligible for a 5-year, renewable, Class A Mississippi Educator License.

Additional Graduate Courses for Class AA Licensure and Degree Completion

  • ED 500: Educational Research
  • ED 514: The Professional Role of Educators
  • ED 520: Foundations of Education
  • ED 527: Content and Disciplinary Literacy
  • ED 592: Capstone in Education

Comprehensive Exam & Portfolio

  • ED 590 - Graduate Portfolio
  • ED 591 - Graduate Comprehensive Exam

Master of Arts in Teaching Course Rotation


ED 500 - Educational Research
ED 514 - The Professional Role of Educators
ED 538 - Understanding Individual Learning Differences
ED 549 - Instructional Assessment Practices and Procedures
ED 551 - Managing the Instructional Environment
ED 590 - Graduate Portfolio
ED 591 - Graduate Comprehensive Exam
ED 592 - Capstone in Education
ED 697 - Internship in Masters of Education


ED 500 - Educational Research
ED 514 - The Professional Role of Educators
ED 520 - Foundations of Education
ED 527 - Content and Disciplinary Literacy
ED 538 - Understanding Individual Learning Differences
ED 549 - Instructional Assessment Practices and Procedures
ED 551 - Managing the Instructional Environment
ED 590 - Graduate Portfolio
ED 591 - Graduate Comprehensive Exam
ED 592 - Capstone in Education


ED 500 - Educational Research
ED 520 - Foundations of Education
ED 538 - Understanding Individual Learning Differences
ED 549 - Instructional Assessment Practices and Procedures
ED 551 - Managing the Instructional Environment
ED 590 - Graduate Portfolio
ED 591 - Graduate Comprehensive Exam
ED 592 - Capstone in Education
ED 697 - Internship in Masters of Education