Financial Aid
Your financial aid package will likely consist of a number different types of aid. Online students are eligible for the same financial aid as on-campus students.
The W offers a variety of scholarships for all sorts of scholars. There are awards for academic performance, academic interest, W legacy, financial need, and others. Scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admissions or individual academic departments.
Loans are funds borrowed from your bank or other lending institution. Student Loans must be repaid, with interest. The W is committed to reducing the debt burden of its students. There are many options for helping fund your education, so we encourage you to research all your options. We also encourage families to borrow only when absolutely necessary, and then only to extent that is needed.
The United States government offers special financial aid options for current and former members of the armed forces, as well as for their families. We have compiled a list options available to you. In addition to these benefits, you may also be eligible for any of the options listed above.
Getting financial aid may seem complicated, but it doesn't have to be. We've put together a step-by-step guide to applying for Financial Aid at The W.